Tax-deductible donations to charitable organizations make wonderful alternatives to traditional gifts. Join us on November 20th, at 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Read the brochure for more information.
Imagine a community of people that dares to dream of heaven on earth, a community of grace where everyone is accepted and respected and their journey valued, regardless of their background, beliefs or place in society, a community where everyone looks out for the concerns of others and no one walks alone, a community that believes in a better way.
Imagine a community of people devoted to following Jesus together, learning to live like him and love like him, helping one another grow in our love for God and love for neighbor, where we are gradually being transformed into better people ... better friends, better family members, better workers, better students ... becoming people who enjoy life to the full and who can deal with adversity well, learning to grow through failure and suffering.
Imagine a community of peace and safety where it's possible to find shelter from the frenzied pace of life, in order to slow down and explore the mystery and meaning of our own existence, where we can take time to address the roots of our anxieties and pain, a place of hope where we can find help and healing and the power to change, no matter how desperate our situation may be.
Imagine a community like that scattered throughout the greater Philadelphia region and beyond working as agents of love, joy, peace, and hope wherever they are, serving our neighbors, caring for the poor, helping the oppressed, conveying the good news of Jesus through word and deed.
Imagine a community of people who live simply and ethically so that they can generously share their resources with others, a community that values and cares for the environment and reaches out beyond social, cultural, and political barriers to offer help and hope to all.
Imagine a community of people who make the world a better place.
That's the church Jesus died for. That's the church Jesus lives for.
That's the dream of God.
desires to be a biblical community
that helps people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
who make a difference in this world.