Your SCOOTER-MINIBUGGY & ATV Performance Parts Store...
This WEB SITE is designed to share the knowledge we have gained over the years from owning our own Chinese Imports and from our members all over the country!
When it comes to upgrading or troubleshooting your ride, KidNme will help you understand how your motor and transmission work and
some of the most common issues and upgrades we do with them so you know about the parts you are installing and why and how to get the job done right!
Enjoy the Site!-the KidNme Team-
"Specialists" may a bit strong but maybe "Road Warriors" would be a better term.
Because of our love of Scooters and Off Road sports and a full stable of not only a few machines but hundreds of members with KidNme Parts, we can all help you get the "Mod Bug" in a down to earth, easy to understand format!
Inside, you will find,:
ProtoTesting pages, ("PROTOTESTER": Members who test new parts for us)
So, kick up your feet, grab a RedBull and let's start learning not only "How to Mod!
(Verb; Meaning, to alter/modify!) but, why!
It's really fairly simple and because we are constantly adding and updating this site with all sorts of new goodies, you'll have good reason to come visit again!
When we decide what parts to offer, it comes from a need to boost performance on our own rides but also what our members and customers tell us they want.
We find the right parts and combination's that work best for us, run them through a few ProtoTesters THEN, we get them in the hands of great groups such as the MBRA (Mini Buggy Riding assoc/ for even further testing THEN, we put them in our store!
We have a lot to cover but we'll do our best to keep it simple and fun!
Step inside "HOT MODS" on the left and Let's get started!
learn as much or as litttle as you want but most of all,
Have fun doing it and share what you learn with a friend or loved one and especially,
share it with KidNme and we'll pass it on! :-) ENJOY!,
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