Creative Proteomics gives Shotgun proteomics benefit in light of ID and measurement of peptides from processed proteins utilizing couple mass spectrometry.
Bone marrow cells are the cells contained within the bone marrow. These include stromal cells, which are not directly involved in haematopoiesis, and haematopoietic stem cells.
The gallbladder is a hollow organ that sits just beneath the right lobe of the liver. The gallbladder cells from Creative Bioarray are isolated from human gallbladder tissue.
Peptide de novo sequencing is the analytical process that derives a peptide’s amino acid sequence from its tandem mass spectrum (MS/MS) without the assistance of a sequence database.
In the quantitative proteomics research, several MS-based methodologies for relative quantification have been introduced for comparison of different proteomes from collected biological samples.
Gas Chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique for a wide variety of volatile and/or semi-volatile organic compounds identification and quantitation.