342 Broad St., New Bethlehem, PA 16242 * Ph. 814-275-3224 or 888-275-3224 * Fx. 814-275-1115
"For All Your Insurance Needs"
Whether your insurance needs are personal or commercial - whether you're protecting your home, family, and loved ones or ensuring a strong and vital future for your business - the Charles P. Leach Insurance Agency can help.
A full-service agency representing the nation's finest insurance companies, the Charles P. Leach Agency offers comprehensive and innovative service based on a long-standing tradition of loyalty, dedication, and reliability.
Whatever your insurance needs, the Charles P. Leach Agency has the expertise you need and a reputation for excellence that you can rely on. Contact us today to find out how we can help protect and secure the future for your home, your family, and your business.
We invite you to visit the various sections of our website and discover some of the many ways in which the Charles P. Leach Agency can help you provide protection for today and security for the future.