Beginning as Zieglers Tree Service in 1974, Blackhawk Homestead Nursery has evolved over the past 33 years into a specialty nursery and garden center. Blackhawk Homestead Nursery specializes in hard-to-find plants. You wont find many yews, junipers, burning bush and other common landscape material that you find at the big box stores here at Blackhawk.
Blackhawk Homestead Nursery is located on Nittany Mountain between Pleasant Gap and Centre Hall of Pa. Rt. 144, at 389 Blackhawk Road. If you live in Bellefonte, Zion, Patton or Ferguson Townships, your best route to Blackhawk Road is to take Pa. Rt. 144 South from Pleasant Gap. Blackhawk Rd. is located on the right, 2.3 miles from the intersection of Pa. Rt. 144 and Rt. 26. If you live in Centre Hall, Penns Valley, Boalsburg, or South State College, your best route to Blackhawk Road is to take Brush Valley Road East from Linden Hall 2.9 miles or Church Street West from Centre Hall 1.9 miles.
What will you find when you arrive at The Garden Center? How about a great selection of Japanese maples, dwarf conifers, and a large selection of native and aquatic plants. If you need fish for your pond, you can find standard and butterfly koi, shubunkins, fancy goldfish, catfish and tadpoles. Display gardens and water features including ponds, waterfalls, streams and fountains also adorn the premises. Our main passion is water features, says Dave, who is a certified contractor for Aquascape, Inc., one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of water garden products in the U.S. We love to design and install them.
We spend most of our time installing new water features or rehabbing existing water features. This may include rebuilding water features that were not installed correctly, or adding features such as streams and waterfalls, filters and lighting. Water gardening is an enjoyable and relaxing hobby, but if the water feature is not installed properly, it can be rather frustrating.
Blackhawk Homestead Nursery also installs landscape plants, patios and retaining walls, but only in conjunction with a water feature installation or for an existing client.