Pennsport Physical Therapy is Hiring
We are looking for a full-time physical therapist and/or physical therapist assistant. Please email your resume to madppt@ or call 215-467-4431.
Welcome to Pennsport Physical Therapy where your wellness is everybody's business. We've been providing physical therapy services to residents of Philadelphia, Queens Village, Southwark, Society Hill, Fish Town, and Port Richmond for over 25 years. Our website is designed to provide you information about our practice and services so you can get the treatment your body deserves.
Pennsport Physical Therapy's Associates have a combined professional experience of innovative advancements in orthopedic and industrial rehabilitation services for more than 25 years.
As an independent physical therapy facility owned and operated by licensed physical therapists, we emphasize both preventive and rehabilitative techniques that provide the highest quality of care to our patients. We have built a solid reputation restoring people with physical injuries to their maximal functioning level in the most reasonable time possible.
It is the mission of Pennsport Physical Therapy Associates to provide individualized one-on-one therapeutic programs by the most qualified physical therapists. Our goal is to insure that all our patients reach their maximum rehabilitation potential following illness or injury.
Branches and additional offices:
(215) 467-44312101 S Columbus Blvd Phila, PA 19148-2805