Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you to the Church of the Holy Trinity. Located on the northwest corner of vibrant Rittenhouse Square is a community where faith and doubt, affirmation and hesitation may be expressed in a safe environment with a view to deepening the spiritual life.
The Church of the Holy Trinity promises to give to you an opportunity to recognize the spiritual life you have and then opportunity for that life within you to grow.
Our community of faith offers comfort and rest but also challenge and service all of which is needed for us to grow and to become people whose second nature it is, whose default setting it is, to reflect on daily life and to discover the presence of the divine in all we do and all we experience.
We deeply and warmly invite you to spend time with us in worship and conversation. We know we will learn from you, and we believe that we have something to offer you.
Come through those glass doors push them wide open and walk with us. Together we will discover afresh the presence of God and Gods good and glorious purposes for our lives and for the communities in which we live and work.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you to the Church of the Holy Trinity!
Branches and additional offices:
(610) 696-4640High And Union Sts West Chester, PA 19382-