Click the picture to go to the new church online calendar
Sermons of November 7 by Michele Bartlow (All Saints), November 14 by Pat Squire and August 29 by Bishop Peggy Johnson are now available HERE
The bulletin for the November 21, 2010 Sunday Service can be downloaded HERE
TidingsThe November issue of Tidings can be found
The Worship Calendar on page 7 has been revised and is now correct.
Mission StatementThe First United Methodist Church of Germantown (FUMCOG) is a diverse, urban community of faith that seeks to experience and worship God through Jesus message of love and inclusion and the mystery of grace expressed through his life. We affirm our commitment by working together, taking risks for social justice and peace in our community, our city, our nation and our world.
6001 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144 215.438.3677 fax 215.438.3077