The Guatemala Connection
For over five years St. Peter's Church has maintained a very special relationship with five small congregations in the Northeast area of Guatemala.
Family. Community. A place where you are loved and accepted. The place you come to be refreshed and challenged. The body of Christ. Many interests, energies, and efforts combine to create the place of welcome and joy we know as St. Peter's Church. Most important among them is our people. Us. From the infant passed around and snuggled by many, to the 96-year-old whose stories are lovingly heard. We gather to be formed and strengthened in love. May our love extend, knowing no bounds and leaving none of God's children behind.
Learn more and explore St. Peter's, Glenside
God of unchangeable power, when you fashioned the world the morning stars sang together and the host of heaven shouted for joy; open our eyes to the wonders of creation and teach us to use all things for good, to the honor of your glorious name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever. Amen.
Stay informed! Keep up to date with upcoming events at St. Peter's Glenside. All are welcome to join.
Nov 4 Prayer Service for Diocesan Convention.
Nov 7 All Saints Celebration and Baptisms.
Nov 14 Seamen's Church Institute Sunday
Nov 18 Taizé Prayer Service 7pm. As is our custom on the 3rd Thursday of each month, we will gather in the quiet of the church to listen for God and sing our prayers in the style of the community in Taizé.
Nov 21 Stewardship In-Gathering Sunday
technical difficulties or inquiries: email us
Branches and additional offices:
(724) 538-5810202 Van Buren St Evans City, PA 16033-1125
(814) 445-6662433 W Church St Somerset, PA 15501-1997
(717) 428-35591708 Seitzville Rd Seven Valleys, PA 17360-9103
(570) 386-4388184 Saint Peters Rd Tamaqua, PA 18252-5634