American Home Bank - We help people buy, afford and enjoy the home of their dreams. A Division of First National Bank of Chester County
We help people buy, afford and enjoy the home of their dreams
American Home Bank provides mortgage financing to help people buy, afford and enjoy the home of their dreams.
What is Escrow and How Does It Affect Me?
You've heard the word escrow a bunch of times but do you really know what it is and how it will effect your home buying experience?
What is Mortgage Pre-Qualification and Why is it Valuable?
When thinking about buying a home you always hear about the Pre-Qualification, why not go straight to the application? Mary explains what the difference is and why a pre-qualification is so important.
Developing a Home Budget
A budget is a useful tool to help you understand and manage your income and expenses. Learn how a budget can help you plan for the financial requirements of a new home purchase.
7 Habits of Highly Successful Borrowers
Successful borrowers always exhibit 7 simple habits and strategies to help them accomplish their goals. Jim details each of these habits and explains how you can be the best borrower you can be.
Have questions about mortgages and finance? We have the answers. Ask our mortgage experts a question. You can also look at our archive of mortgage questions to get answers right away.
Our corporate culture is unique at AHB
American Home Bank's culture is fast, focused and flexible. Listen to Stephane Smith's comments on this unique corporate culture.
7 Habits of Highly Successful Borrowers
There's lots of talk around the water cooler about mortgages and some of your information might not be accurate. Mary lists the five most common mortgage myths and debunks them. You just might be pleasantly surprised by what you find out.
Branches and additional offices:
(717) 234-37802635 Paxton St Harrisburg, PA 17111-1032
(717) 285-64003840 Hempland Rd Mountville, PA 17554-1500