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Temple Sholom
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Looking for a Reform synagogue in Delaware County, PA?
Address55 Church Ln Broomall, PA 19008-2503
Phone(610) 356-5165
Temple Sholom in Broomall. As the only Reform congregation in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, we welcome you to our warm, vibrant and inclusive family. Please review our website to learn more about our synagogue. Here, you will find information on all aspects of our congregation, such as events, worship and our unique education programs. You are also invited to stop by in person. Feel free to contact Ned R. Kripke, Executive Director, Ext. 103, nrkripke@temple-sholom.orgor Community Coordinator Sandy Cohen, Ext. 104, skcohen@temple-sholom.orgwith any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you may email us at

We look forward to seeing you at Shabbat evening services at 8:00 PM on the first, third and fourth Friday each month. On the second Friday we have a Tot Shabbat service at 6:00 PM, followed by a community potluck Shabbat dinner at 6:30 PM. Then we hold our family Shabbat evening service at 7:30 PM.

We are pleased to announce that Temple Sholom has gone wireless! Please join us in our Internet Cafe in the Lobby on Sunday mornings or Monday evenings when Religious School is in session. Bring your laptop and enjoy a cup of coffee or a nosh while visiting with other members of the Temple Sholom family.

The start time for our Shabbat morning service, which is held on the weeks when there is a bar or bat mitzvah, is 10:30 AM.

Be sure to look for information about our many programs, classes and activities in The Temple Tidings, on the website and in email announcements.

Temple Sholom is excited to welcome so many new members to our Temple family. We look forward to seeing you at services, programs and events or during Religious School.

11/21 - Hanukkah Gift Fair (9:30 AM to 2:00 PM)
Come and see what our vendors are offering this year including jewelry, artwork, books, toys, men's accessories, stationary, crafts, handbags, and pet items. There will also be crafts for kids and a light lunch available.
11/23 - Interfaith Thanksgiving Service (7:00 PM)
Annual interfaith Marple Newtown community Thanksgiving service
11/24 - Torah Study with Rabbi Rigler (7:30 PM to 9:00 PM)

Proceeds will go to support membership recruitment efforts at Temple Sholom.
Please contact Community Coordinator Sandy Cohen in the Temple Office at or at (610) 356-5165, ext. 104 to get yours today!

In spite of the overwhelming opposition by a powerful majority of Jews worldwide, the new conversion bill - that moves full control over who is a Jew in Israel from the State to the Orthodox Rabbinate - advanced through committee to a vote in the Knesset. With the passage of this bill, the 18th Knesset threatens to change the definition of who is a Jew in Israel forever. From now on, the power to perform conversions would rest solely with the Chief Rabbinate which only recognizes Ultra-Orthodox conversions.
If we dont stop this new conversion bill now, we lose recognition in Israel of Reform and Conservative conversion forever. There are millions of Jews in the Diaspora, and the current Israeli leadership needs to hear from all of you and right away if we are going to stop this.
Please sign the petition on this page. To make an even bigger impact, copy and paste the attached letter into your own email account and send it right now to the Prime Minister, and forward this urgent call to your friends and family.

Branches and additional offices:
(215) 288-7600 Large & Roosevelt Blvd Phila, PA 19101-

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