Located in Downingtown Pa, Green Mansions Nursery
is a family run business.
One of our goal's is to sustain our small Pennsylvania farm through
the productionand retailing of our horticultural goods.
With over 30 years in the business, our specialty is Japanese Maples.
We have one of the largest collections with over 500 varieties.
We have been acknowledged in many publications
including J.D. Vertrees, Japanese Maples and 'Maples of the World'.
Our winters are spent grafting and propagating not only Japanese Maples
but a wide selection of trees, shrubs, perennial, annuals and Herb's,
which in the Spring we offer to our customers.Quality is extremely important to us and we are enthusiastic
about sharing our knowledge and experience. We will take time with
each customer to listen and answer any questions they might have.
We offer landscape advise and install our products with skill and care.
Our annual flower garden is yours for the picking starting late June
through to the fall. Filled with Zinnia's, cosmos, asters and
many more colorful varieties.
Call Green Mansions Nursery at (610) 518-0101 today!