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Cornerstone Community Baptist Church
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When you arrive at Cornerstone Church, please park in one of the visitor spaces, which are visible on your right side as you descend the driveway.
AddressPolk Township Rd Kresgeville, PA 18333-
Phone(610) 681-3534
Concert of Prayer & Ladies Prayer
Join us as we corporately pray for our church, our community, our missionaries and our nation.

(Childcare is provided for both)
"Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone."

It's not easy visiting a new church for the first time. Many things go through your mind, "Can I find my way around? What about my children? Do I have to give? How should I dress? What's the music like? Am I welcome if I don't know what I believe?"
We want your visit to Cornerstone Church to be an enjoyable experience, one that you'll not soon forget. So let us take some of those questions and provide some helpful answers:

When you arrive at Cornerstone Church, please park in one of the visitor spaces, which are visible on your right side as you descend the driveway. When you enter the church you will be met by one of our friendly greeters who can direct you to the sanctuary or to the children's church and nursery areas. If your children are shy, they can accompany you to the adult service, but most children thoroughly enjoy our programs. As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will provide a warm hello, and give you our worship program that gives information on many of our ministries, connection opportunities, and a brief outline of the worship service. If you need assistance finding a seat, they will gladly help you.

People feel free at Cornerstone Church to dress comfortably, which could mean different things to different folks. Some prefer to dress up, while others prefer to dress casually. We don't judge people based on how they dress. We're just glad you came!

Our service begins with music designed to draw our focus toward God. The songs we tend to sing reflect a nicely designed blend of upbeat praise music and traditional hymns. Following a time of musical worship, we will then take an offering as an expression of our love to God. Remember, as our guest; do not feel obligated to participate. After the offering you will hear a challenging message that will speak to your spiritual needs and is deeply rooted in the Bible. If you dont have a Bible, there are copies located in your seats and page numbers will be provided so you can follow along. After the message there will be a short time of announcements followed by a responsive song to God.

When you arrive at your seat you will find a pen and our Welcome Card on the rack under the seat in front of you. Please take the time to fill out the Welcome Card to let us know how you heard about Cornerstone Church and to request additional information about our church ministries. As you exit the church after the worship time please turn in your Welcome Card at the Welcome Booth in the narthex. As our thank you for filling out the card, you will receive a free book to bless you on your spiritual journey and a welcome packet filled with information you will want to know about Cornerstone Church.

On your way out, take the time to stop by our media ministry table in the fellowship hall. At this table we will have copies of the morning message along with various books and pamphlets to lead you into a deeper relationship with God. Also, we have fresh brewed coffee and hot tea, along with cookies and pretzels for the children so feel free to stay around so we can get to know you!

Cornerstone Church features a full childrens program from birth through fourth grade during our worship service. It is our desire to impact each child with interactive and hands-on teaching. Our classes are created to offer warm and caring environments for all children. Volunteer adults are trained to share spiritual truths and the love of Jesus in a fun and friendly environment, specifically designed for each age level. All volunteers are given background checks and receive excellent training.

Branches and additional offices:
(610) 681-3534 Polk Township Rd & HTY Rd Kresgeville, PA 18333
(610) 894-9520 Kutztown, PA 19530-

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