Pennsylvania Workers' Comp Lawyer
Each year, about 85,000 Pennsylvanians suffer injuries on the job. How many of those injured workers are denied benefits because their employer or worker's compensation insurance carrier is doing all they can to prevent the injured worker from getting medical and wage loss benefits that they deserve by law?
It is unfair. It is not right, but it happens all the time. The Law Office of Richard A. Jaffe can help you get the worker's compensation benefits that you are entitled to under the law. Lawyer Richard Jaffe established this law firm in 1994 for the sole purpose of helping injured workers' exercise their rights.
Fighting for Injured Workers for 24-Plus Years. Philadelphia Workers' Compensation Attorney.
When a Claim Is Denied
Mr. Jaffe regularly helps injured workers who are encountering all-too-common situations like the one below:
A worker is hurt on the job on a Thursday and needs medical treatment. He files a worker's compensation claim, but the worker's compensation claims adjuster denies him benefits and the needed medical treatment. His employer orders him back to work the following Monday, even though he is incapable of performing his job. Now he is concerned about losing his job if he does not return to work, but he is concerned about further injuring himself if he does return to work.
Is your employer or employer's worker's compensation insurance carrier forcing you back to work before you have even received appropriate medical treatment?
Mr. Jaffe can:
Help you navigate through the worker's compensation claims process and get the appropriate medical treatment that you need
Appeal denied claims
Protect you from going back to work before you are physically or emotionally ready
Assert your rights at every stage of a worker's compensation claim
When Your Employer or Workers' Comp Insurance Carrier Attempts to End Your Claim
Injured workers who have been out on workers' compensation for two or four months or even many years may receive a Petition in the mail. The Petition threatens the worker with a potential modification, suspension or even a termination of her benefits, even though she is not ready to return to work.
Do you need to protect your rights to benefits after you have received a Petition in the mail?
Experienced, Proven, Caring and on Your Side
Mr. Jaffe is an experienced, proven workers' compensation lawyer who can defend against petitions filed by your employer to end your benefits. He is prepared to take your case all the way to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, if that is what it takes to protect your rights. This is one attorney who will simply not give up on a case.
Pennsylvania workers' compensation lawyer Richard A. Jaffe wants to hear your story and help you.
We Offer Free Consultations
Our law firm gives injured workers free first consultations, with no obligation for you to retain our services. Here's what we do: Mr. Jaffe will review your situation, help you understand the law and what your rights are under the law, and how you can best move forward with a claim. Call: 215-268-7348 or 866-959-8856. E-mail the Firm.
Joint Injuries/Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Knees
Nerve Damage Symptoms/Carpal Tunnel/Burning Pain
Burns, Facial Disfigurement, Amputations
Pre-Existing Conditions & Workers' Compensation
Can I Sue an Employer?
About the Firm Philadelphia Pennsylvania Attorney 866-959-8856 The Law Offices of Richard A. Jaffe represents injured workers in their workers compensation and Social Security Disability claims. Contact the firm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania today.
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Branches and additional offices:
(215) 496-96071601 Market St Ste 1040 Phila, PA 19103-2336
Pittsburgh Personal Injury Attorneys who have the experience and resolve to always rigorously fight for you. Free Case Evaluations. Call 412-765-3345 Today.
The City of Brotherly Love doesn’t always show a lot of love on the street, especially if you are driving in heavy traffic, which happens a lot in Philadelphia.