Welcome to My Fast Site the quick, yet powerful solution to get your company online. MFS is a site builder technology that gives you all the advantages of a custom built web site without the high cost and long development cycles. Features like administrative module, site statistics, video capability, interactive calendars, feedback forms and more are all included in every MFS build.
MFS is a result of the knowledge gained during over a decade of building sites. With thousands of sites built, we listened to the wants and needs of companies and organizations and made sure to incorporate them in MFS. Visit our Latest Work area for examples of how MFS has been put to work as an affordable web solution, and then contact us to build your own MFS for your company today.
Our new interactive event calendar module allows you to put a calendar right on your home page. You can add dates into the calendar and your visitors can see your upcoming events. Its a simple solution for keeping all of your customers or members updated.
If your company needs to accept online payments you’re in luck. Our system allows your visitors to pay with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and PaylPal. You can track payments and even reverse charges with the virtual terminal.
Our customers demand more than just basic stats, so we installed a detailed analytics package into our service. With this package you can see who is visiting your site, how often, where they are coming from and even their location. Very cool.
By using our newly added video module you can embed videos into your posts and pages. Our plugin works with most major video sites like YouTube and GoogleVideo. So activate the Video Plugin in your Admin and start sharing your videos today. Check it out:
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(412) 831-51611206 Breezewood Dr Homestead, PA 15120-1317