to one of the world's great cuisines. Like the word "Thai" (which means free), Thai cooks are never rigid in their approach. Thai food combines the best of several Eastern cuisines: the oriental bite of Szechuan Chinese, the tropical flavor of Malaysian, the creamy coconut sauces of southern Indian and the aromatic spices of Arabian food. The ideal Thai meal aims at being a harmonious blend of the spicy, the sweet, and the sour and is meant to be satisfying to the eye, nose, and palate. Mouth-wateringly different, Thai food is basically 'chilly hot' (as you like it) blended with subtle additions of locally grown roots, grasses, and aromatic herbs to lessen the 'bite.' The use of spices and aromatic plants such as sweet basil, mint, and galangal which enhances the flavor of Thai dishes. Thai food appeals to more than taste alone.
Branches and additional offices:
(570) 421-8118Route 611 Exit 307 Interstat Ave Stroudsburg, PA 18360-
(570) 421-81181263 Route 611 Exit 307 I-80 Park Ave Stroudsburg, PA 18360
(570) 421-81181263 Route 611 Stroudsburg, PA 18360-
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