blog prayer mission statement staff pastors
Chuck Kish Lee Rogers Joshua Shaw
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Life Groups Children's Ministry
BGMC - Tell the World! Mpact Girls Club Royal Rangers
Youth Seniors Chaplaincy
Police Chaplaincy E.M.S. Chaplaincy Bar Chaplaincy Hospital Chaplaincy Bethel Daycare Chaplaincy
Music & Worship Men's Ministry Women
Activities at a Glance Adopt a Missionary Book Club Heart to Heart Newsletter ~~~OUR WOMEN'S MINISTRY TEAM~~~ Chris Benick, WM director Trish Bear, WM Chaplain Candy Delcamp Joanne Jumper Debbie Marshall Sue Martucci Liz Motter Amanda Sheaffer Rose Strait
Marriage Enrichment Christian Education Outreach
My Brother's Table Prison Ministry Sarah Todd Home Truckstop Ministry
Bethel Preschool & Daycare
mission organizations missionaries
Doug and Carol Baldwin Kevin and Sandy Barner Joseph and Heidi Barrale Omar and Pat Beiler Jack and Georgia Belin Sam and Naomi Brelo JoAnn Butrin Richard and Janet Conti Richard and Jennifer De Martino Richard and Sandee Farthing Ed and Faith Ferguson Kenneth and Kathy Ferguson Kevin and Annie Folk Garry, Cindy and Michelle Higgins Fred and Betty Howsare Bill and Judy Kirsch Jason and Jodi Lamer Steve and Linda Lilly Pat and Brenda Mahar Samuel and Janice Mayeski Garry and Sherry Menke Steve and Lori Potutschnig David and Barbara Robb Theron and Aldona Roush James and Sherry Sabella Gary and Katy Shanahan Arthur and Joyce Stoneking Richard and Lori Wislocky
mission trips & events
Missions Convention 2009 Mexico 2009 Ukraine 2008
missions trip blog