St. Luke's Episcopal Church22 South 6th Street
(6th & Chestnut Sts.)
Phone: 717-272-8251
Church email:
The Rev. Terrence Wible, rectorRector's e-mail:
SERVICE TIMES: (Please ignore times on right sidebar, see note below for explanation)
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite 1, no music
9:15AM Adult Forum
10:00 Church School (1st & 3rd Sundays)
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with music
WELCOME to the website of St.Luke's Episcopal Church in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. We hope you enjoy your visit. If you live in Central Pennsylvania or are visiting the Lebanon area, we invite you to
join us at our worship services. It always gives us great pleasure to welcome newcomers and guests to our parish. If we can
be of any service to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are a "Broad Church" with Anglo-Catholic leanings in
the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem. Located at the
corner of 6th & Chestnut Sts., we are a diverse,
inclusive community of Christians united in the worship of
God. It is our goal to witness to and declare God's
all-encompassing love through our liturgy,
music, preaching, praying, studying, fellowship, and service.
NOTE: We are having web site problems with our server. Please be patient with us as we look into another server. In the meantime, if you have questions, please call the Church Office at 717-272-8251
A Moment of Reflection
"My faith in God, who is eternally loving and constant even as my understanding grows and changes, makes life not only worth living, but gives me the courage to dare to disturb the universe when that is what El calls me to do. Sometimes simply being open, refusing to settle for finite answers, disturbs the universe. Questions are disturbing, especially those which may threaten our traditions, our institutions, our security. But questions never threaten the living God, who is constantly calling us, and who affirms for us that love is stronger than hate, blessing stronger than cursing."--Madeleine L'Engle
People say, "What good can one person do? What is the sense of
our small effort?" They cannot see that we must lay one brick
at a time. We can be responsible only for the one action of the
present moment. But we can beg for an increase of love in our
hearts that will vitalize and transform all our individual actions,
and know that God will take them and multiply them, as Jesus
multiplied the loaves and the fishes. - Dorothy Day
SUay Slt Forum ( Fellowship Hall)
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist (Spoken)
10:00 AM - Holy Eucharist (Sung)
9:15 AM - Adult Forum ( Fellowship Hall)
(No adult Forum until September)
10:00 AM - Sunday School --September through May
[School Age]( 1st & 3rd Sundays)
Mother Love [Nursery]SATURDAY SERVICES
1st & 3rd Saturdays (No services in July)
5:00 PM Contemporary Setting
Branches and additional offices:
(717) 766-51828 E Keller St Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-3826
(717) 653-4977211 S Market St Mount Joy, PA 17552-3109
(215) 968-2781100 Washington Ave Newtown, PA 18940-1980