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St Thomas Episcopal Church
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St. Thomas Episcopal Church portal
Address301 Saint Thomas Rd Lancaster, PA 17601-4832
Phone(717) 569-3241
Newsletter and Ministry Schedules
Community Leadership Parish Vestry Staff & Support
Opportunities to Serve Please Pray for... How can WE serve YOU?!?
Mission & Outreach What we're doing Get Involved HELP NOW!!
Children's Ministry Promiseland Nursery Sprouts Preschool Worship
Youth Youth Events

Directions Local Hotels Local Eateries

For some, it happens in simple ways. A greeting from Deacon Janeor Fr. Jonathanstanding out front before the service. A get-well prayer from a fellow parishioner. The aroma of lovingly baked cookies beckoning after the service. A care package delivered because of the thoughtfulness of an entire Youth Group. For others, the changes are more dramatic, or they happen over time. Either way, the mission of St. Thomas Episcopal Church "to bring people to Jesus Christ" is making a difference and changing lives. You can feel it in the Narthex, in Sunday School classes, from the choir loft, in the music. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (New American Bible)

9:00am SundayChristian Formation children through adult *

Noon each WednesdayHealing service in the Chapel

Noon each Friday Intercessory prayer in the Chapel

Look in "the Latest News" for a listing of ourChrisitian Formation offerings.

"Women in Motion" 8:3-10 a.m. Saturday, November 20th

"Dance for the Clinic" Saturday, November 20th - 7 p.m.
(see Mission & Outreach for further details)

This year St. Thomas celebrates 52 years of ministry!

301 St. Thomas Road · Lancaster, PA 17601 · 717-569-3241 ·

Branches and additional offices:
(610) 286-9547 Route 10 Joanna, PA 19520-

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