Because Pentecost is the day that God poured out His Holy Spirit on Christ's disciples, the Season after Pentecost is centered on sanctification, the work of the Holy Spirit in the day to day life of the Christian. This is reflected in the liturgical color for this season: GREEN, the color of life and growth. Through the gift of faith that comes only from the Holy Spirit, Christians are enabled to trust in Christ and proclaim Him in their daily lives by service to their neighbors. The Season after Pentecost is the longest season of the church year -- it lasts from Trinity Sunday until the first Sunday of Advent. This is the non-festival portion of the liturgical calendar during which the church stresses vocation, evangelism, missions, stewardship, almsgiving, and other works of mercy and charity as ways in which Christ empowers us by His grace to share the Gospel with others.
There are two exceptions during this season: Reformation Sunday on which we use the color RED and All Saint’s Sunday on which we use the color WHITE.
Saturday Worship5:00 PMWeekly Communion
Holy Communion 1st Sunday & Festivals
Regular Services 2nd, 3rd & 4th (exc. last) Sundays
Last Sunday of Month:
Congregational MeetingSunday, November 21
ELC - Men in MissionFirst Sunday of Month
Memorial Fellowship Hall