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First Assembly of God
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We here at first Assembly believe in living an Intentional Life for God. An intentional life has purpose, discipline and vision.
Address525 Leitersburg St Greencastle, PA 17225-1137
Phone(717) 597-7024

We here at first Assembly believe in living an Intentional Life for God. An intentional life has purpose, discipline and vision. Our goal is to help the Master Builder build lives for all eternity. You see, even though we are all under construction here at. . .First Assembly of God in Greencastle, as we each use our gifts and talents God's spiritual House is being built up as living sacrifice unto Him. (I Peter 2:5) So whether you are just our guest for the day or plan to be a part of the great things that God is doing here at First Assembly for a lifetime: My sincere prayer is that you have an encounter with the presence of our Almighty God and that your life is opened up to Him!- Pastor Daniel Barnes

Read Philippians 3:17–21
A citizen of one country never feels at home in another. The food is different, the language is different, the sights and sounds are different, even the smell is different. Everything about that alien country is odd. There is a longing to go home; to be back in one’s own country.
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians3:20).
The believer’s true country is heaven. Our time on this earth is as a stranger traveling in a foreign land. The example for how to live here is not those who call this world their home. Their priorities, goals, and standards for living are very different from the ones the Christian should hold dear.
Paul said not to follow the people of the world but to follow the example of Christ—the ruler and ambassador of our homeland, heaven. Our stay here is temporary. Our worldly possessions should be held with a loose grip. Keep heaven as the focus because Christ, its ruler, is coming soon.
Prayer Suggestion: Ask God to help you live each day with your real home in mind.

Pastor walks length of Indiana to raise money for Bible school
Pastor Randy Blankenship walked 250 miles in a matter of 10 days across the state of Indiana in order to raise funds for AG missionaries Gary and Lori Ellison and their Bible school.

History of HealthCare Ministries documented
The new book, Healing Hands: Touching the Suffering through Medical Missions, by Peggy Johnson Knutti, shares the history of HealthCare Ministries.

This week in AG history -- November 15, 1930
Featured in this week's November 15, 1930, issue of the Pentecostal Evangel are articles by Donald Gee, Frank B. Anderson and others!

AGWM and BGMC respond to need for water in Africa through Africa Oasis Project
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) recently partnered with Africa Oasis Project to raise funds for water wells in desperate communities. AG missionaries Steve and Glenda Evans have seen the impact these wells bring to communities that don't have access to clean, sanitary water.

Chi Alpha students participate in AG Student Leadership Conference
Ten Chi Alpha students join with dozens of students representing all 19 Assemblies of God endorsed colleges to meet with AG national leaders during the AG Student Leadership Conference.


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