Welcome to the Mobility Division at Galbreath Motor Co. We understand the everyday challenges facing people with physical disabilities. As a result, we earnestly strive to support those who need assistance. We offer a wide range of durable medical equipment to make vehicles and homes accessible.
Galbreath Mobility is a Medicare Provider as well as a provider for some private insurance companies. We are always looking for resources to add to our resource center, which provides any type of information that could be helpful to the physically disabled.
If you are looking for ways to make transportation easier and more convenient, we can modify your vehicle, or provide you with a fully accessible car, minivan, or van. Products include:
-Left foot gas pedals
-Swivel seat bases for easy transfer to driver’s seat
-Non-slip floor material
If you need help getting around in your home or other places, ask about our:
Galbreath Mobility has been in business since 1979. We are committed to top-notch and timely service. Our goal is to satisfy 100% of our customers and meet their needs to the best of our ability. You can reach us at: 800-544-8891