About Tom McKeown If you are planning to hire a bagpiper for your next event, you can rely on my many years of performing experience to make it special. Under the watchful eye and methodical training of my first instructor, Pipe Major Iain Macpherson MM, beginning in 1984, clean fingering and excellent intonation were a paramount requirement.
Additionally, studies in playing the Great Highland Bagpipe have been completed at the North Idaho School of Piping, Balmoral School of Piping and the National School of Piping, Glasgow. This training continues on an ongoing basis.
As a member of the Greater Trenton Pipes And Drums and the Chester County Emerald Society Pipe Band, I have marched in many parades and have performed at countless weddings, funerals, parties and public functions. Being self-employed, I am available to provide my services on short notice within a wide range of time and travel.
All performances are presented in properHighland attire representing the time-
honored traditions of the piper. My average fee for a performance is $200, however, if a special extended performance is needed, an additional fee is negotiable.
Lively Tunes Rocking the Baby Cork Hill Nelson Mandelas Welcome to Glasgow Scotland the Brave Prince Charles Welcome to Lochaber Angus Johns Fancy Mrs. Mary Gray Fiona High Road to Gairloch Black Bear St. Patricks Day Garry Owen Kerry Dancers Rakes of Mallow Britches Full of Stitches Wearing of the Green Minstrel Boy Molly Darling Wild Colonial Boy Wild River Drunken Piper Farewell to the Creeks Waltzing Matilda Wings Mary Grant of Longhelly Foggy Dew Kelly, the Boy from Killane Sean South Bog in the Valley O The Star of County Down Mull of Kintyre
Memorial/Slow Amazing Grace Flowers of the Forest Dream Angus Come by the Hills Dark Island Sgt. MacKenzie Green Glens of Antrim Skye Boat Song Going Home Danny Boy Suo Gan When the Battles Oer My Fathers Pipes Mist Covered Mountains These are My Mountains
Military/Patriotic Marine Corp Hymn Caissons (US Army) Anchors Away (US Navy) Semper Paratus (US Coast Guard) Wild Blue Yonder (US Air Force) God Bless America Yankee Doodle Dandy Grand Old Flag Over There America the Beautiful