Rental space available for Meetings and gatherings. Inquire at Church office or call 610-825-3388
Summer Sermon Series Promises, Promises - Who Can Keep Them?
Sept 5 Malachi: What Cures Skepticism & Indifference?
Sep. 12 The Promised Messiah
Sep. 19 The Promises to Israel
Sep. 26 Guest Preacher: Brian Moyer
Oct 3 Promises to the Church(World Communion Sunday)
Oct 10 The Promise to the Pagans
$20.00 fee includes one 8ft table and 2 chairs.
Benefits Mission Projects
Stump the Rev Bring your tough theological, biblical & spiritual questions including what you would ask God & throw them at Pastor Phil
Tuesdays, Sept 14, 21 & 28- 7 - 9 pm
Unique Place Unique Church Unique Relationships
A Spirit-driven Christian community of faith, based on scripture and prayer, where God invites all to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to serve, care and love, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Last updated 09/22/2010 12:39:16 PM
We invite you to participate in the life for the church not only by attending the Sunday morning worship service, but also by participating in any one of the following opportunities our church offers.
Open hearts, open doors, open minds-The People of the Presbyterian ChurchUSA