At the Rittenhouse Women's Wellness Center we offer Dr. Leslie Saltzman's and Dr. Jillan Bellows Rowbotham's practice in Internal Medicine, plus expert, in-house services in Nutrition, Fitness, Emotional Well-Being and Skin Care. At Rittenhouse Internal Medicine our doctors will spend the time necessary to get to know you and provide you with a phone number and email address so that you can call them, text them, or email if you need to reach them. Our patients rarely wait more than 10 minutes to see the doctor and we offer same day sick appointments. We are also open Monday-Saturday and have evening appointments on Tuesday's and Thursdays. Our electronic medical record system is 'state of the art' and provides features such as electronic prescribing so that we can send your prescription directly to your pharmacy or pull up your chart even when we are out of the office.