Every Friday Dr. Hanigosky is in surgery and unavailable in the office. If you have a medical emergency, Dr. Hanigosky may be reached through the answering service,
Ohio patients 1-888-621-2049
Dr. Hanigosky is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Her special interests include high risk obstetrics, polycystic ovarian disease, menopausal health and female sexual issues. Dr. Hanigosky's practice is located in Hermitage, Pennsylvania.
Every Friday Dr. Hanigosky is in surgery and unavailable in the office. If you have a medical emergency Dr. Hanigosky may be reached through the answering service, Ohio patients 1-888-621-2049 and PA patients 1-888-580-5710.
As your delivery date nears, you will be watching for signs that labor is starting. The first signs of labor are usually from three weeks before to two weeks after your due date. It is normal to have contractions around the 37th week of pregnancy.
Mild, irregular contractions may mean that labor is near. True labor starts with mild cramps felt in the lower abdomen, lower back or both. These slowly become closer, stronger and more regular. They may get stronger when you are up and moving.
Board Certified Pittsburgh Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Anna Wooten is an experienced cosmetic surgeon in Pittsburgh, PA, offering a wide variety of cosmetic as well as reconstructive plastic surgeries.
Facial Plastic Surgery Philadelphia, 3 World Class board certified M. D's specializing in Facial Plastic Surgery both cosmetic and reconstructive purposes.