A Proposal for the North Shore
A Golden Glass Cathedral, Glass Boats, an Amphitheatre
and a Masterplan
The Beginning: The Concept and the Competition
The Cathedral as a Multiuse Space and as a Destination
Religious Organization and Cultural Outreach
The Cathedral and the Glass Boats
The Masterplan: The Crescent and Reinforcing Elements
Funding, Revenues, and Economic Impact- The Business Plan
Related Projects in Other Cities
About the Architect and Development Team
The Goldencathedral Giftshop
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Events Calendar: An Invitation: to tune in to WQED's ON Q as host Chris Moore finds
the meaning, the music, and the mystery in this proposal
: to read the recent Pittsburgh Business Times Article
: to experience the televised uplifting Sunday service at the Crystal Cathedral
Frederick M. Winkler Architect
Offices: The Regional Enterprise Tower, Suite 1480, Pittsburgh Pa 15219
113 Quincy Avenue Pittsburgh Pa 15210 t 412-431-7201 f 412-431-7380 eml winklerfm@aol.com
Modelshop: The Design Center 5001 Baum Boulevard Suite 370 Pittsburgh Pa 15213