A Warm Welcome to Fairview Church!
Fairview Church is a faith community of Visitors, Regular Attenders, and Participating Members. Wherever you are on this journey, you are welcome here to attend, to explore, to ask tough questions, to study, and to worship.
We enthusiastically expect the church to change and be different because of each new member who joins. We expect each other to grow intellectually, emotionally, theologically, spiritually - in a variety of ways, according to the individual's personality and gifts. We expect members to learn to relate their faith to their daily life - to what they do Monday through Saturday at home, at school, at work. {read more}
Fairview offers worship services that are truly inspiring for everyone, combining traditional and contemporary styles of worship. The weekly celebrations are well-planned, relevant and relaxed. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month.
Join us for the "most important hour of your week"!
Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Branches and additional offices:
(814) 474-39144264 Avonia Rd Fairview, PA 16415-1252