Our website is currently undergoing some construction and we apologize for any inconvenience this may bring you.
We are no longer a dealer for the America's Heat systems, and need to update our site to reflect this.
We shall continue to service our customers that have previously purchased these products. We shall continue to carry parts and pride ourselves in the assistance and support for all products that we sell.
We are dealers for Amaizing Heat products, Amaizablaze products and currently have the Europa.
THE TRUTH ABOUT CORN...Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many ads and articles are squawking about the extreme price of corn. What a bunch of lies. Corn is like any other commodity that goes up and down in price over the years. Big Business is once again trying to infringe on the little guy.
LIE #1: Corn is hard to come by. Farmers have been planting corn for hundreds of years and will continue to do so.
LIE#2 The moisture content is too high. Well once again once the corn is taken off the field farmers put it in a dryer. DRY CORN IS DRY CORN. If a farmer doesn't dry it down he can't put it in his bins for storage, it will mold. Then he's out of feed. Moisture should be below 14% for optimal burning.
LIE #3 Corn has to be immaculately clean to burn. Wrong. Corn has to be moderately clean to let your stoves burn effectively. Broken corn and some smaller cob and bees wings is not going to hurt. This too will burn. The rumors that corn has to expensive to be clean is way out in left field. Your average Grade #2 corn from your local farmer, run through a combine and/or a cleaner will be just fine. We've been burning corn from local farmers for 7 years, never had a problem. There are now new products where minimal corn cleanliness is needed. See the Specials section.
LIE #4 Corn is too expensive. Corn did take a jump in price on the market, however its no where near the price of pellets, gas, oil or propane. Take a ride around to your local farmer and see what he wants. We've included a list of suppliers that deal to our customers on the Specials page. If you are a farmer and want to be added as a supplier to our list just give us a call. We'd be happy to add you on.
If you're a farmer, remember you have your own fuel growing right under your nose!! Keep in mind that the forced air furnace and boiler are Biomass systems. They can burn just about any type of grain that you can grow (including moldy and buggy grains).