Welcome to Captain Happy's Soot Service. We are your CSIA Certified solution to all your home and commercial chimney and venting needs. A CSIA Certified Sweep is the hallmark of EXCELLENCE among chimney and venting service professionals. Professionals who have earned the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep credentials have demonstrated their commitment to FIRE and CHIMNEY SAFETY. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a non profit educational organization dedicated to CHIMNEY and venting system safety
Our services range from residential chimney cleaning to commercial chimney cleaning, maintenance, and chimney repair. Waterproofing of masonry and wood surfaces. Installation of Class A Stainless Steel Chimneys, B-Vent Chimneys, Direct Vent Systems, Power Vent Systems for Alaska Coal Appliances, and Exhausto Chimney Fans for really bad draft problems. We sell and install wood, and gas stoves or fireplaces. We are the local vendor for Alaska Coal Stoves. Give us a call at 1(877)894-7668 and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Chimney Cleaning by a CSIA certified sweep (www.csia.org)
Scroll for the #1 Masonry Contractors around Telford PA. Providing Hardscaping, Masonry, Paving & Sealcoating Services. We are a family owned and operated business, founded and located in Telford, PA