Advanced Cleaning Technologies - Routine Inspections of all sites
Fully Insured Employees - Professionally Trained - Easily Identifiable
Randomly Drug Tested - Background Checks
Green Trivia: Whats the fastest growing source of energy in the world? Coal burning, solar power, or wind power?
Thursday Think Tank: 1995 2006 Period of time in which 11 of the 12 warmest years on record have occurred
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Did you know? ENERGY STAR equipment uses anaverageof 65% less electricity than standard models.
Answer to Fridays Green Trivia: If you increase the room temperature by one degree, your heating costs will go up by how much? 2%, 5%, 8%, 15%? The answer is 8%!
MEF Commercial Services, a WBE, is a team of cleaning professionals who provide outstanding commercial service in the areas of construction clean up, warehouse cleaning, janitorial and office cleaning, carpet cleaning, and hard floor cleaning. MEF Commercial Services is committed to service, professionalism, and quality. We take pride in our exemplary employees as well as our unique safety program, which carefully evaluates the safety of products and ingredients before use.
Don't forget to check out the MEF Project page.
Branches and additional offices:
(717) 303-36994330 Carlisle Pike Camp Hill, PA 17011