To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest;
to all who mourn and long for comfort;
to all who struggle and desire victory;
to all who sin and need a Savior;
to all who are strangers and want fellowship;
to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness;
and to whoever will come--
this church opens wide her doors
and offers her welcome in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday traffic issues this weekend
The Ben Franklin Bridge will be closed on Sunday, November 7, 7:459am, for a race.
But the new South Street bridge is opening Saturday, November 6!
Global Outreach Conference, November 614
Global Outreach Art Contest (grades K6): learn more about this contest!
All the other Global Outreach Conference details . . .
Jesse Tree celebration guide for Advent available to order now
Tenths Jesse Tree celebration guide for Advent will be available
November 21 & 28, but we ask that you pre-order by November 14. More . . .
Information on Small Group Ministry at Tenth Church and how to get involved
Capital Campaign project progress
Elevator project progress . . .
Sanctuary window project is nearing the end
20102011 Ministry Event Scheduling
Updates related to Ryken transition to Wheaton
June 27, 2010, was Dr. Ryken's last Sunday as our Senior Minister.
More information . . . Festival of Carols, December 10, 7:30 pm
Senior Minister application materials
Application and information available . . .
Special Needs Video
This video features some Tenth members.
Preparation for Ministry monthly training
Diaconal and Mercy Ministry Training will be held on selected fall/winter Saturday mornings at Tenth. More information . . .
Calculate your tithe
Download this simple tool to calculate 10% of each paycheck and the amount to designate to each of Tenth's budgets in proportion to the total budget. More information on giving and stewardship is available.
Resources for meeting the needs of others
City College & Career
City College & Career is for all undergraduate, graduate, seminary students, or young professionals living and working in the city. Welcome! We want to help you get connected to the larger church body and use your gifts for our mutual benefit and growth in grace.
How to Get Things Done
Here's help on getting the word out about what's going on . . .
For Tenth news and events, check the news page or the bulletin, or for ongoing commentary throughout the week, visit Executive Minister D. Marion Clark's blog.