The Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania (LDAPA) welcomes you to our Home Page. Our goal is to provide you with information, support, and resources to help your child, who may have a learning disability, assist the student in your classroom who may be struggling, or understand how a learning disability may affect you as an adult.
As a statewide, nonprofit organization, we are dedicated to serving Pennsylvania residents by providing accurate, up-to-date information regarding learning disabilities as well as support. LDAPA is a state affiliate of Learning Disabilities Association of America.
Thank you for visiting our Web site. We hope the information is helpful to you, the parent or family member of a child with a learning disability, the adult with a learning disability, and the student's teacher.
LDAPA does not endorse any particular treatment, product, therapy, institution, program or person. Information is provided for educational purposes and is not legal advice. Reproduction of information contained on this site is prohibited without the permission of LDAPA.
Find out how you may positively affect the lives of children with learning disabilities by beginning an LDAPA affiliate or local support group for families of children with learning disabilities. Have you considered becoming a volunteer contact person? Contact LDAPA for more information at 717.939.3731 or 888.775.3272. Contributions, which are tax deductible, are welcomed and appreciated.
The attorneys of KATS, Jamison & Associates are a dedicated team of professionals who can help you with your legal needs. We are large enough to handle even the most complex litigation, but still smal