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Our Premier Martial Arts instructors go through a very extensive selection process to insure we have only the best and most talented instructors in the world.
Once selected, they are put through an intense and rigorous series of training colleges to guarantee the quality of instruction that our students will receive. Once a Premier Martial Arts instructor is certified to teach our unique and effective system, they are then required to receive 40 hours of continuing martial arts and instructor education yearly.
Preston Elliot is the well know radio personality from the Preston & Steve Show on WMMR. Preston came to Premier Martial Arts in September 2005 and expressed an interest in participating in our classes. Preston admits that at this point in his life he wasn't in the best shape that he could be in.
After training at Premier Martial Arts, Preston has increased his fitness and stamina level. He has managed to drop over 50 pounds through something he throughly enjoys. Preston has even shown off his skills at some of our demonstrations, including the Mushroom Festival in Kennett Square, as well as on the air at the WMMR radio station. He continues to train and sharpen his skills, while keeping the weight off!
Branches and additional offices:
(610) 268-20991120 Newark Rd Toughkenamon, PA 19374-