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A Church of the Word, Faith and Power
Welcome! We are a church in Clearfield, Pennsylvania (in the central region of the state) and we're passionate about knowing the love of God and helping others find freedom in Christ.
We have our Celebration Meetings on Sunday mornings and a Wednesday evening meeting. We also have a School of the Spirit for more in-depth training.
We are doing evangelism, discipleship, healing and deliverance. Do you want to be involved? Do you need hands on training? Contact us. Come, be a part of God's move of love and power.
Coming to Jubilee Christian Center!
At Jubilee Christian Center
Jesus the Healer - A Weekend of Renewal and Healing
Jesus is alive and he will heal your life and your body!
with Rev. Michael Bruno, August 20th 22nd
Michael Bruno, of Slippery Rock, PA, will be giving practical teaching for meaningful life and growth in Christ, and he will be praying for the sick.
Mike is the founder and pastor of ABBA Christian Center in Slippery Rock, PA, and he travels as a teacher of Gods word. He is also the author of two books, a radio Bible teacher and the founder of a crisis pregnancy center.
Have you seen this booklet yet?
We give away a lot of these. These are real stories of real people in our church who have been healed.
- What do you think about healing?
- Has it happened to you?
- Do you need healing or have questions?
- Jubilee Christian Center -
- PO Box 405, Clearfield, PA 16830 - Phone: 814-765-1915 - -