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C L Groff and Sons, Gumpher Electrical Contracting
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Now is a great time to evaluate how much energy you and your home use and to learn how you can reduce monthly electric and heating bills.
Address318 Eisenhower Rd Palmyra, PA 17078-8516
Phone(717) 838-9311
Gumpher Electric is now certified to install Solar Panels. Solar panels can either be installed in an open space or on top of a roof. While the purchase and installation of these solar panels requires a significant investment, the benefits include decreasing the amount of electricity you are charged for and in most cases being able to sell back excess electricity to your power company.
Learn more about the process to have Gumpher Electric install solar panels for you.

We love hearing positive feedback from our Power-Save 1200 customers so many thanks to those that sent the following depictions of their experience with the Power-Save 1200:
“This is Hal calling from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We had a Power-Save 1200 installed by Gumpher Electrical Contracting in our home about a month ago and I’m just calling to thank you folks enormously because our kilowatt usage, according to this bill, is down almost 900 kilowatt hours already. Our total usage is 2135 kilowatt hours, last month it was 2949, and it has not been any warmer here.
I also stress tested this thing (the Power-Save 1200) against what we did a year ago and it’s down substantially from about 150 kilowatt hours per day and now we’re down to 76-77 per day. I mean, this thing has performed well beyond what I had anticipated. I just wanted to thank you guys very much.”
- Hal, Lancaster, PA

Just a note to say Thanks – for that Power Save 1200 unit we had installed – it improved things in our home immediately. No longer do we have the dimming of lights when the well pump kicks on because as you said with the energy stored by the Power Save unit it did reduce the surge needed for the pump at the expense of the rest of the house. Then came the pleasant confirmation of savings when our first month’s bill showing an approximate 20% savings arrived and again confirmed that this was a good investment for our home.
- Mike, Campbelltown, PA

Most of you asked me to keep you updated on how the power saver is going. We received the electric bill and I also was monitoring it online(ppls website) and here are my results. We had it installed march 3 and the bill went to march 18th so it isn’t a full month. The bills are kinda confusing to figure out(to me) but the KWH went down significantly from last months bill and even last years bill at this same time. It went from last month 851 to 542 KWH this month(Last years bill at this time was 840) wow! I think we saved around $28.00 so far and like I said, it wasn’t a full month. I am very excited and thought I would keep you all posted on it’s progress. Any questions, let me know. I’m sure everyone’s will be different but I am happy with my results so far. I haven’t heard from anyone else who got it yet to see what their results are.
- Jill, Mount Joy, PA
Eight months later, Jill wrote back in : “People keep asking me if I got ripped off. I say no way! I am still happy with the results!”
Tags: Customer Feedback, Power-Save

Palmyra, Pa. – With electricityrate caps set to expire for many in January, bills are expected to soar by 40 percent.A device called the power saver can cut your electricity bill.
Brian Hoy of Palmyra has the usualgadgets and gizmo’s in his home whichneed electricity to run.
“We have tworefrigerators.We have a freezer.Our airconditioning is electric,” Hoy said.
All of that power added up to big bills for the Hoy’s.A bill from March of 2008 was nearly $400.
Hoy had a power saver installed in his home last December and was shocked to see the savings.Not only did the $450 unit save on kilowatt usage, it also saved the Hoy’s big bucks.
“We went from $395 in March of ’08 to $135 in March of ’09,” Hoy said.
David Gumpher of Gumpher Electric installs power savers.The devices are capacitors which store electricity.
“If you compare it to a faucet, the water is here, but it’s not released until you open the valve.The capacitors are doing the same thing,” hesaid.
Gumpher says it takes about 30 minutes to install a power saver and with savings of anywhere from8 to 22 percent, he says it pays for itself within a year.The power saver will not help if you have electric heat.

I get a lot of questions about when the Power Save will help save money. Will it save money while watching TV? How about electric heat or lights? Unfortunately these are examples of appliances that are not effected by the Power Save.
So when does the Power Save make a difference? It’s with motors, often referred to inductive loads. And it’s not when motors are running continuously but it’s only when they start running; and size does matter.
Think of a car sitting at a traffic light. Now when the light turns green and the gas is pressed, “extra” gas is needed than when traveling at a constant speed. Think about a big truck, it also needs more “extra” gas than the car to get moving.
Motors in your house are no different, they require a lot of electricity to start running but once they are running their electric usage levels out. This initial surge of electricity is what the Power Save helps moderate. It manages the electricity demand when motors start – this is when the Power Save makes a difference.
You may think that since your air conditioning is on or your freezer is plugged in that your motor is running. Fortunately for your electric bill, it’s not. If it ran continuously your electric bill would be sky high! On a hot day, your air conditioning could turn on and off every 15 minutes, that’s 4 times an hour, and 96 times over the course of a day! Every time your air conditioner turns on, the Power Save kicks in, saving you a few pennies which adds up over the course of a year.
There are a lot of household appliances that have motors: washing machines, the fan in your furnace, the compressor in your freezer, and even a water pump. If you have a Power Save installed, each time one of these start the motor, you’ll save a few pennies that will add up to savings on your electric bill!

Now is a great time to evaluate how much energy you and your home use and to learn how you can reduce monthly electric and heating bills. By implementing simple do-it-yourself changes, you will begin to see your electrical usage decrease. A Power Save can reduce your electric bill even further. Gumpher Electric can provide you more options for reducing your electric bill and strives to assist you with all your electrical needs.

Gumpher Electric is an authorized POWER-SAVE distributor. We do it all from changing a light bulb for an elderly couple to design build and install of a 3.6 million dollar grain storage system.

n attic fan is a first step to decreasing the temperature of your attic. Attic fan can reduce your cooling cost up to 30% by removing super heated air in the attic space. Even with a built in ridge vents, the solar attic fan is beneficial for the days when little or no air is moving. Attic fans work by pushing hot air out of your attic while pulling cooler air from ridge vents or ducts around the perimeter of your attic. Installing a solar powered attic fan will cool your attic and will not require any addition power to be installed. These attic fans are powerful enough for homes up to 6,000 square

For homes up to 3500 square feet, only ten watt fans are necessary and sell for $ 375.00 PLUS installation. For home larger then 3500 square feet, a 20 watt unit is necessary which sell for $ 415.00 PLUS installation. Typical install for a average slope roof with fair accessabilty is $ 175.00. Fans are self controlled by a built in thermostat and require no annual maintenance.
For more information on how you can reduce your electric bill, contact David at
Tags: Saving Energy Power-Save

David was recently on Channel 8 in Lebanon/Lancaster/Hershey showing an installation of POWER-SAVE devices at the Palmyra School District. If the School District saves money over the next couple months, they will be installing POWER-SAVE devices at all of their buildings.
You can watch the report on the WGAL website.

With the new year comes a new focus on saving money – one way that you can save money (and help the environment) is to reduce your energy usage. Here are some simple ways that you can cut your energy bill.

1) Change you light bulbs – The price of compact florescent light (CFL) bulbs have dropped dramatically plus in many areas theyre a local subsidies to reduce the cost even further. The selection of light bulbs has also increased, including enclosed bulbs that hide the curly shape. These CFLs typically use only 25% of the energy a regular light bulb would. The one suggest is to be mindful if you are replacing light bulbs that are used on dimmers or electronic switches; special CFL bulbs – labeled clearly on the package – that work with dimmers are required and I have yet to find a CFL bulb that works on an electronic switch. With as many lights as we have in our homes, there are plenty of opportunities to replace bulbs and save some electricity.
2) Watch out for Phantom Loads – Home appliances and equipment should be turned off when not in use. Many electronics (e.g., computers, TVs, and coffee makers) continue to use energy even while turned off, but still plugged in. For example, if you have a new LCD or Plasma TV, turn off your TV and all your lights so that it is dark and look at your TV; do you see any lights? You probably do and those lights, no matter how small, are using power. I recently measured the amount of energy that my TV was using while OFF, it turns out it uses about 1kWh per day or $0.0643/day or about $23.50 per year! Using power strips to completely turn off electronics are excellent ways to make sure devices are shut off so no energy is wasted.
3) Upgrade to energy efficient and properly sized appliances – This does require some investment but if you are purchasing new appliances make sure you look at the energy requirements and make sure you buy one that fits your needs. In the case of many household appliances bigger isn’t always better. Even if a freezer is half full, the entire freezer still needs to be kept cold. The same goes for dishwashers, washers, dryers, and electric heaters.
4) Install a POWER-SAVE – As you may have read in other posts, a POWER-SAVE is a energy management device that reduces the spikes of required electricity. The blower in your furnace, your washer and dryer, a fan in your attic, all have motors that take a large surge of energy to get going. The watt watcher collects this power over time and keeps it on standby so that it is ready when needed. This reduces your overall energy usage and your bill.
5) Turn off the lights and lower the heat – we all enjoy a bright, warm, and welcoming home however it can add up quickly. Consider only keep a few key lights on as necessary and installing a programmable thermostat. Flip a switch to save some money.
Tags: DIY Saving Energy


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