Fast Attention to Your Problems, Pain Relief
An appointment for you or someone you know is always available during our convenient office hours.
Your First Office Visit
When a new patientfirst comes to our office, he/she receives a consultation with the chiropractor to see if his/her problem can be helped by chiropractic care. A thorough and comprehensive orthopedic, neurological, and chiropractic examination is performed toevaluate the patients chief complaint orcondition.Allfindings are then evaluated to establish an accurate diagnosis. Finally, the patient is given a thorough report to explain the exact cause of his/her problem, and treatment procedures are then initiated.
Helping You Stay Healthy is our Major Concern
The purpose of AquaMassage & Chiropractic Center is to help as many people as possible regain their health by providing the highest quality chiropractic care and to educate our patients so they, in turn, can educate others about chiropractic.
Call or stop by for a Free AquaMassage and Consultation.
Enjoy a relaxing aqua massage after a long day at work.
Dr. Jeff McQuaite, an award-winning chiropractor, has been helping the residents of Central Bucks County rediscover a life without pain for over 20 years.