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Cheryl Pavlik Massage
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History of WBV:In 1960 the beginning of today's vibration exercise techniques was begun in East Germany with a technique called rhythmic neuromuscular
Address100 E Main St Worthington, PA 16262
Phone(724) 859-7289
Please leave a message since I am not always available to answer the phone.

Located: Worthington Civic Center in Worthington, Pennsylvania

Massage Hours: Tuesday 12 - 7, Wednesday - Friday 10 - 7 and Saturday 10 - 3
(Massage by appointment only.)

Massage Menu: Swedish Massage*: 15 minutes $15 30 minutes $30 60 minutes $45
Massage Packages: 4 - 15 minute $50 (save $10) 4 - 30 minute $100 (save $20) 4 - 60 minute $160 (save $20)
Pregnancy Massage: 30 minutes $35 60 minutes $50
Baby Massage: $30 (Includes Gift Certificates, hands on instructions for the parents, tube of baby oil gel and laminated instruction sheet to use at home.)
*Swedish massage may include Trigger Point Release, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Massage and other techniques according to your wants and needs.

- There is a $15 fee to split a 60 minute massage gift certificate into 4 - 15 or 2 - 30 minute massages.

- One Birthday or Thank You discount coupon per single massage only.

- Birthday or Thank You discount coupons are intended to be used by the recipient for massage only. This is a gift from me to you. Please do not ask to use it on other services or products, since it has no cash value.

- Gift Certificate or discount coupon must be presented at time of massage. No exceptions!

Massage is used for pain relief, stress management, joint stiffness, edema (swelling), muscle aches and pains or knot's and muscle spasms as well as a host of other problems.

Massage can be very gentle or invigorating, depending on what type of massage you would prefer and what symptoms you experience. Massage strokes consist of rubbing, vibrations, tissue manipulation, friction and tapping.

Your massage may include: scalp, face, neck, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, stomach, buttocks, legs and feet - according your wants and needs. We will discuss which areas will be pertinent to your massage needs and comfort levels.

If you have other symptoms or concerns, you may call to discuss them to decide if massage therapy is right for you.

*When a muscle is injured or sore, toxins store in the muscles in the form of lactic acid, which we feel as pain and soreness. Massage moves the toxins out of the muscles, the toxins are then flushed out through your kidneys.

Why do I need Massage? Muscles relax when massaged. Muscle fibers are sometimes tight which may cause soreness and pain. When the body is in pain we tend to keep the tight muscles from moving, which causes more tightness in the muscle, and therefore, more soreness and pain. It can be a vicious cycle!

Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
Assist with shorter, easier labor for the expectant mother.
Ease medication dependence.
Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow - the body's natural defense system.
Help athletes of any level prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts.
Improve the condition of the body's largest organ - the skin.
Increase joint flexibility.
Lessen depression and anxiety.
Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
Reduce post surgery adhesions and swelling.

Whole Body Vibration Machine:
Whole Body Vibration (WBV) increases the production of the regenerative and repair hormones. It also improves the blood circulation, increases the basal metabolic rate, strengthens bone tissue and improves lymph drainage. The net result is more strength, stamina, speed, flexibility, mobility and coordination, rapid recovery of muscles and tissue, improved collagen production and fat reduction. This is achieved with minimal stress on the joints and ligaments. You can perform static or dynamic movements including standing, sitting, kneeling, or even just placing your hands on it. Almost any exercise from a typical gym workout to passively sitting on a chair and resting your feet can be done on a vibration platform. Talk about the ideal program. This is it!

History of WBV:In 1960 the beginning of today's vibration exercise techniques was begun in East Germany with a technique called rhythmic neuromuscular stimulation. After the fall of Communism in Russia, Russian scientists began the real studies of WBV and fine-tuned this technology for many years to help rehabilitate their cosmonauts after returning from space to help repair muscles from atrophy and bone density due to the weightlessness of space. Many were so weak that they needed assistance in walking after emerging from the aircraft. The scientists reasoned that providing a form of therapy that focused on hyper-gravitational force it could yield an effective treatment. These researchers found that not only did that stop the loss, but amazingly it also increased bone density and strengthened muscle tissue. They also used this technology to prevent injury to their Olympic athletes. In the event one of their athletes did injure themselves, they were put on a WBV plate to rehabilitate the injury. Vibration technology made its way east and west. This technology continued to be studied and enhanced. It has taken both the Orient and Europe by storm. Vibration exercise really has not been in the US for very long. In the past only the wealthy, a few professional sports teams and doctor's offices were the only places you could find a WBV unit. After decades of research, NASA, many professional sports teams (including the Pittsburgh Pirates), medical centers, spas and health clubs have embraced this technology.
The WBV technology centers on a recurrent change of position on a vibrating platform with the specific physical factors of amplitude, frequency and time. The muscles are stimulated to work by the stretch reflex. You are probably familiar with this type of reflex which occurs when the doctor taps the patellar tendon, below the kneecap, and the lower leg moves upward without the brain being able to prevent the movement. When the muscles are activated with the stretch reflex we get a number of benefits not seen during regular exercise. Normally, we do not use all our muscles for standing or moving. With the WBV, the stretch reflex ensures that all muscle fibers are being stimulated at one time. The muscles responds to vibration by contracting to offset the stress it imposes and is ensured to produce effective results for your physical needs.

*This is NOT the same technology as your grandmother's vibrating
belt that she wrapped around her waist to lose weight. This amazing technology has been tested and studied by many leading research organizations!
How it works:
When you begin to use the WBV machine you will notice how your body automatically adapts to the vibrations. One of the first results you will have is increased flexibility and range of motion. By standing on the plate, the vibration generates systemic involuntary muscle contraction throughout the body. This not only increases your flexibility, but also burns fat by increasing your metabolism. It also improves your circulation and provides your cells with ideal oxygen and nutrient delivery to slow the degenerative process.

Implants of the spine
Acute or Chronic Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or other thrombotic afflictions
Acute disc related problems (fractures, Spondylosis or sliding Spondylolisthesis)
Severe Osteoporosis WITH Bone Mass Density of less than 70 mg/ml
Spasticity (due to stroke, spinal cord lesion, etc)

Do NOT use the WBV unless cleared by your doctor if you have:

Cardiac Disorders (post heart attack, etc)
Metal or synthetic implants (pacemakers, artificial cardiac valves, recent stents or brain implants)
Chronic back pain (fracture, disc disorder, spondylosis)
Severe Diabetes Mellitus WITH peripheral vascular disease or neuropathy
Tumors (excluding metastases in the musculoskeletal system)
Spondylolisthesis WITHOUT gliding
Movement Disorder and Parkinson's
Chrondromalacia of the joints of the lower extremities, osteonecrosis and chondrosis
Arterial circulation disorders

Improves your Fitness:
Increases muscle strength, flexibility, mobility and coordination
Strengthens and enhances posture

Increases tendon strength
Improves muscle strength and tone, enhancing athletic performance
Enhances balance, coordination and post ACL repair

Stimulation of the metabolism and lymph drainage
Decreases level of Cortisol (hormone released when we're under stress)
Highly effective body fat combustion

Treatment of stress incontinence
Positive results on neurological conditions such as Parkinson's

My name is Cheryl Pavlik and I have lived in the Kittanning and Worthington areas most of my life. I am a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) and a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist. I graduated from Butler County Community College in 1998 as a PTA and again in 2001 as a Certified Massage Therapist. I became Nationally Certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork in 2002. I started my massage business by doing out-calls, which means that I carried my table and tools to each clients home. Soon I turned the spare room in my home into a massage haven and began seeing clients there. After several years I was able to move my business to the Worthington Civic Center. A little more than a year after that I was able to leave my PTA position at the Armstrong County Memorial Hospital and perform massage full time. Adding the Far Infrared Sauna, the Ionic Detox and Whole Body Vibration machine continues my interest in helping people to improve their lives and well-being and I am continuing to look at other alternative health therapies to possibly bring into my business for your well-being.

I am very easy going and easy to talk to, so please call with your questions or to discuss any of my services.

I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone's life. Business meetings, project deadlines, flight delays, car problems, snowstorms, and illness are just a few reasons why one might consider canceling an appointment. In my desire to be effective and fair to all of my clients and out of consideration for our scheduled time, I have adopted the following policies:

24 hour advanced notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment.

If you are unable to give me 24 hours advance notice you may be charged a missed appointment fee of no more than the full fee of your scheduled appointment. This is done at my discretion.

No-shows Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a "no-show". They may be charged for their "missed" appointment and future service may be denied until payment is made. Again, this is done at my discretion.

Arriving LateAppointment times have been arranged specifically for you. If you arrive late your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, I will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you may be responsible for the "full" session.

Out of respect and consideration to the other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time!


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