TCC Family Cookbook
Hey, everybody...We need your yummiest recipes for the TCC Family Cookbook coming for the holidays. Simply write out your recipe on an index card or sheet of paper by October 31 and put it in the “Recipe” box in the Gathering Area. For more details pick up a flyer on the table next to the recipe box or contact Chrissy Shuey at 412-302-5147.
Meredith Andrews Concert OTHThis Thursday, October 28 at 7:00 pm Family Life Network is featuring renowned recording artist Meredith Andrews in a live concert here at Tri County Church OTH. Advance tickets can only be purchased at or by calling 800-927-9083.
Christmas Tree of HopeThis year we are doing things a little differently for Christmas. All applications for Christmas Wishes are being processed through Salvation Army. They are taking application the week of November 1-5 from 10 am to noon and 1 pm to 3 pm. We will NOT be taking applications at TCC. Then after the Salvation Army has gathered all of their requests they will be bringing them to us for all of you to pick from and fill the needs. If you are a family that has a need you MUST get your requests to Salvation Army no later than November 5 for processing.