Having been on the other side of the desk, we recognize the critical pressure points vital to sustaining a prosperous business! The joint necessity of cost containment and/or cost reduction are very high on the list, along with employee well-being and all that these involve to maximize productivity and profit. With this is mind
The TriniCore Company positioned itself to provide superior benefits on the most cost-effective basis available, consistent with the employers goals and recognizing that the overall employee-benefits plan structure is one of the cornerstones to a successful operation. We also understand that the client-company is entitled to the maximum return on investment in this area. Therefore, being results-oriented, The TriniCore Company utilizes an analysis profile that translates the cost-equation to reflect the bottom line savings and cost control for its clients.
To accomplish this in a total fashion, significant attention is directed to the employers disability, supplemental insurance, and 401(k) or other retirement and profit sharing plans; as well as all other employer-sponsored benefits, with a view to each employee fully understanding the employers complete compensation amount. The primary goal is to ensure that the employers benefit package is holistic and fully integrated! This helps insure that the dollars spent are used to purchase the desired benefits and achieve the desired result. This process is accomplished while seeking to increase the employees recognition of the employers participation, and the employers goodwill!
The TriniCore Company operates totally on a Biblical Christian basis. From this mandate, corporate ethics, standards of conduct, and working relationships are commenced and maintained.