When creativity and experience count, you can trust Brickhouse Environmental to provide the scientific and engineering expertise that you need. Since our incorporation in 1977, our history of sound science, professionalism, and success has given us respect and credibility with a broad range of clients and regulators throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. With an experienced team of professional Geologists, Engineers, Soil Scientists, Water Resource Specialists, and associated technical experts, Brickhouse is dedicated to achieving our clients’ goals.
Due Diligence - Environmental Remediation - Geotechnical Investagations - Industrial Compliance
Solar Site Development - Soild Waste Management - Stormwater - Wastewater - Water Resources
AAI, above ground storage tank, act 2, asbestos, bog turtle, Brickhouse Environmental, Brownfields, Bucks County PA, CERCLA, Chester County PA, compliance, contaminants, David Farrington, Delaware County PA, drill, environmental consulting, environmental professional, environmental risk, Expert witness, fuel oil, groundwater, hazardous, home heating oil, Hydrogeologist, ISRA, Lancaster County PA, land development, landfill compliance, landfill, landfill design, landfill permitting, lead based paint removal, monitoring, Montgomery County PA, mushroom compost NBA, new york voluntary clean up, NGA, NJDEP, NOWRA, PADEP, PASEO, Paul White, PCPG, CCE, Phase 1, phase 2, quarry, real estate, regulated fill, regulations, release of liability, remediation, septic consultant, sewer enforcement, site clean up, Soil gas, soil scientist Soil vapor, solar power, solar site development, solid waste management, storm water, stormwater, superfund, surface water, SWANA, transfer station, underground storage tank, vapor intrusion, water management, wells, sampling, West Chester, PA, wetlands, sanitary sewer, treatment plant, wastewater, water resources