La Pucelle, The Trial of JoanAn historical work that requires a strong
woman lead to recreate the actual words of
an historical figure. Play taken from the
actual court documents.
Ten Minute Plays and Scenesthese pieces suit the needs of the theater class and of
theater competition entries
The Ketchup BottleOreos and NoseringsIs It MePimples and Other DistractionsThe Tie ( a play for two young men)
Medieval Theater Recreations
The Washtub Farce is an adaptation of the French La Farce du
Cuvier. The play offers roles for eight characters. The production
introduces students to the medieval world and the physical comedy
that leads to Punch and Judy. An ideal piece for theater history or
for an energetic group.
SIns of the MotherNarcissus and EchoThe Washtub Farce
African Folk TalesPlays for large casts designed for younger students and childrenThe Tale of RabbitThe Tale of RoosterThe Tale of the Two Color Coat
Fairy TalesPlays for Middle School students or for mature players performing for young audiencesSnow WhiteHansel and Gretel
Two plays for large casts for any age.The Trial of Joan taken from authentic court documents.9th and Christian, a look at the immigrants of the early 20th century.
The Trial of Joan9th and Christian
Plays in Latinby Dr. Lynn Iozzo
and Anne Smith
Short comic works for the early Latin student
Theater Wordswas developed by the
Performing Arts DepartmentatThe Shipley School
in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
All our works, created from an academic perspective, and written for adults,
young actors and children, have been staged and performed by our students.
Visit the Shipley School site
Royalty -free plays for students, women, children and
scene from the original production of Sins of the Mother.
Tony Devaney Morinelli Ph.D.
Performing Arts Director
The Shipley SchoolTmorinelli@shipley School.org610. 525.4300 ex 4101
Theater Words offers plays created especially with strong roles for
women.Sins of the MotherSins of the Mother, a work dealing with alcoholism, has been produced by
theater companies, schools and colleges around the world.
Works from this site have been produced
around the world by schools, universities
and theater companies.Production photos and reviews from around the world.
African American TheaterThe Slave Narratives
Authentic voices from the past tell the story of life in
slavery - from the National Archives records.
WHEN LILACS LASTA New Work in Two Acts
This work contains mature themes and language and deals with questions of sexuality, alcoholism and abuse.
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