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RUN also focuses on educating our members to network effectively and efficiently.
Address2700 Kimberly Rd Lancaster, PA 17603-7008
Phone(717) 394-6453
Welcome to Referrals Unlimited Network!
The best networkers in the world build relationships easily not because they’re outgoing or excel at small talk, but because they focus on other people — learning about what they do, listening to what they need, and seeing how they can help. These people are the type of people that makes RUN successful! Read on for more info on our exciting relationship development membership . . .
We are looking for the Best of the Best!
Referrals Unlimited Network (RUN) is growing by leaps and bounds we havegeneratedsomuch interest in our netweaving and building professional relationships group that we have had to start multiplegroups on different days. Currently RUN offers lunch-time meetings, but if enough interest develops in a breakfast meeting, we will certainly try to accommodate you!
RUN is NOT your typical networking group. but it IS a professional relationship-building group that focuses on Paying It Forward or Netweaving. Netweaving is about bringing the threads of your connections into the fabric of your business by helping others get what they need and/or want before any thought of immediate personal payback. Netweavers focus on what’s in it for YOU rather than what’s in it for ME and know thatdoing business by following The Golden Rulereally works! ALL relationships take time to build and nurture so this is not a “quick” process.
RUN also focuses on educating our members to network effectively and efficiently. Other networking groups do not focus much attention on the proper techniques, but we feel it is important to understand the “why” behind the actions. We also incorporate some mastermind sessions into our meetings so that our members can support one another – from serving as an informal advisory board, to just being a sounding board – for successes, for failures or for just brainstorming! When you visit a RUN meeting, you will see for yourself why RUN is so different from any other networking group you have ever attended!

If you are an employed professional or a business owner, who relies on referrals and relationships to grow and thrive, this group is perfect for you.
If you are interested in receiving pertinent information to grow your business, such as new business trends, this is the perfect group for you.
If you are looking to establish long-lasting professional relationships and becoming known, liked and trusted, this is the perfect group for you!

Our version of a stimulus package is that our application fee has been reduced to $75 but now includes an annual membership to National Association of Female Executives. Don’t worry, gentlemen – NAFE opened its doors as a female organization but now gentlemen are invited to join! There are some awesome benefits and events to attend, so be sure to check it out!
A commitment was made between RUN and SMEI – Central PA Chapter, to offer reciprocal membership discounts to both groups members which is an awesome deal! As long as you are a RUN member, you can join SMEI for $90/year quite a savings! SMEI meets monthly and rotates their breakfast meetings between Lancaster, York and Harrisburg. If you need more info, please contact Mark Vogel at
I know the economy is affecting everyone these days, and for that reason, a trial membership is now being offered. Pay $120 upfront, and you will be a member of RUN for a period of two (2) months. At the end of that period, if you are willing to commit to a minimum of six months membership, just pay the application fee of $75 and you begin paying the $57 month for the duration of your membership.
With approved application, members will pay $57/month, due on the first of every month (with a 6-month commitment). Payments will be accepted via PayPal so that you can choose to pay with a credit card, if you’d like.
There are some categories available for each group and would like to extend a personal, exclusive invitation foryou to visit us and see for yourself, how RUN is totally different and should not be compared with any other networking group in which you have ever participated!
A networking group that relies on gaining referrals from one member to another, will quickly run out of motivation. Members ARE sometimes able to do business with one another (that’s really the “icing on the cake” or an unexpected “bonus”) but RUN members know that the business opportunities come from a members sphere of influence. Thats where the magic of networking starts to happen, when you feel comfortable with a member to open up your network as a resource to someone who needs help!
By joining RUN, you will become a Master Netweaver/Relationship Builder and will have a sphere of influence that will be enviable by others. Just think how that will affect the growth of your business in a very positive way!
Membership IS exclusive and not everyone that applies is accepted. I hope this generates interest from you so that you DO come out and visit us – no obligations expected – nothing but the opportunity to eat a meal and meet some awesome business professionals.
Experience it for yourself! I think you will be impressed by what you see. RUN members are a great bunch of people, dedicated to helping others, paying it forward with the goal of building relationships for qualified business referrals. Members/guests are responsible for payment of their meal.
Our meetings start at 11:45 am with the opportunity to network until 12 Noon. Lunch orders are placed and the meeting begins at 12 Noon. The goal is to have the meetings end between 1:00 and 1:30 pm but have the individual menu checks available for those that have to leave by 1:00 pm.
Please reserve your spot by calling me at 717-278-9335 or by email at and be sure to invite your friends to come along as well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Note from Carol: Contact me for meeting locations. We are now meeting in Lancaster on Fridays and in York on Thursdays!
Members of RUN have:

The opportunity to become educated in efficient and effective business building techniques
No minimum number of referrals to pass in a specified period of time. Referrals are generated and distributed without monitoring from the group.
An attendance policy that is self-policed. Unfortunately, life happens and things come up unexpectedly that you must attend to rather than be present at a weekly meeting. There are no penalties if you miss a meeting, however, missing 2 or more meetings in a row, will result in generating a response from you as to your continued membership interest.
The opportunity to meet/greet other community business professionals at our bi-monthly mixers, sponsored by a member, held at various business locations. Be sure to check often to see when and where out next Netweaving After Hours Mixer will be held.

Visiting a RUN group can happen for one meeting, but not the week we are having our mastermind session. Our members sign a Non-Disclosure, Confidentiality Agreement so that everyone can feel comfortable discussing their business affairs and we have agreed NOT to allow visitors to attend that week.
Learn More About RUN


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