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Moncherette Ministries Inc
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The more I ignored my call, the more my pain advanced. I told my sister, Michele, that the Lord is calling me to the ministry.
Address1602 Pineridge Ests Bushkill, PA 18324-
Phone(570) 588-3764
This Ministry was established in February of 2007. The call on my life has always been evident and was identified many years ago, unbeknownst to me. I struggled with the Lords purpose for my life. I outright refused to get involved in religion since I was never a member of any church. Everyone I knew that went to church was not good examples of Christ or Christians, so I wasnt interested.

My Grandmother, Ora lee, taught me and my siblings to pray over our food and before we went to sleep. From a little girl I had a strong prayer life. And all of my prayers were always answered, large and small, so this satisfied me and was enough.
Strangers in the street would stop me and say, God has his hands all over you! God will use you and guide you to a church. I thought, Okay, maybe when Im in my fifties. That is when everybody becomes spiritual. Even then, the most I was willing to do was go some Sundays and that was the gist of it.
I had two major accidents five months apart, and already had an incurable lung disease, so I was in bad shape. My pain exceeded my tolerance. I endured four years of constant intense pain. At the same time, the Lord was dealing with me. I was on many different medications, but they didnt help. I prayed, cried and pleaded with God to take this cup of suffering. It was through the pain I was being broken.
I was still not humbling myself to the Lord and the call on my life. I was hearing from the Lord, but I always blocked it out, saying Thats not God! The Lord kept talking and he kept confirming what he would speak to my spirit through strangers, family and friends. Me, not being sure, I was still not ready to be like these church people I have seen over the years; good on Sunday and anything goes for the rest of the week; what hypocrites! No, not me, Im not getting involved! I kept saying. I was rebelling, and said NO! I wont be a minister!
The more I ignored my call, the more my pain advanced. I told my sister, Michele, that the Lord is calling me to the ministry. I told her that I was not going to do it. My sister said, If the Lord calls you, you cannot escape the call! This scared me. The Lord called me Jonah, and I said to the Lord, If this is really you talking to me, confirm it through your Pastor Margie Batista, whom I had not spoken to for a year. I went to her house and at the fifth hour the Lord spoke through her the same words he spoke to me. I cried like never before the Lord confirmed his Word.


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