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People for Life
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Abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and pro-life information with extra emphasis on northwestern Pennsylvania
Address1625 W 26th St Erie, PA 16508-1262
Phone(814) 459-1333
Support pro-life educational work in the Erie-area

JANUARY 2011 Erie March Pro-Life Breakfast DC Bus Trip

We especially thank these excellent organizations for telling the truth:

This advertisement written and voiced by People for Life, produced and broadcast by WCTL Radio.

The Obama Health Care Law, known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), subsidizes abortion-on-demand.

Most of the following documents are in PDF format and may take several moments to load.
Affidavit of Americans United for Life President and CEO Charmaine Yoest
Americans United for Life (AUL) has prepared a sworn affidavit, dated on October 18, 2010, demonstrating that the Obama health care law provides federal subsidies for elective abortion.
Affidavit of National Right to Life Committee Legislative Director Douglas Johnson
The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) has produced a sworn affidavit, submitted on October 12, 2010 to the Ohio Elections Commission along with 16 supporting documents, demonstrating that the Obama health care law provides federal subsidies for elective abortion.
Analysis by the USCCB
Legal analysis by the USCCB Office of the General Council
Protect Life Act
Cosponsored by 124 Members of Congress as of September 30, 2010 (not including Kathy Dahlkemper), the bill identifies serious abortion-related flaws in the PPACA and provides the necessary corrections.
Analysis by the Congressional Research Service
This document illustrates that neither the PPACA itself nor the executive order promulgated by President Obama prevent all direct federal payments for abortion.
Executive Order 13535 - Ensuring Enforcement and Implementation of Abortion Restrictions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Unfortunately, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act contains no substantial abortion restrictions to ensure "enforcement of implementation of." Despite the lofty rhetoric, Obama's executive order only limits a tiny portion for the abortion-funding problem: federal payments to "community health centers."
Center for Reproductive Rights
"The executive order issued by the President on abortion only addressed rules for segregating funds for abortion coverage in the healthcare exchanges and limits on community health centers." (emphasis added)
March 20, 2010 Letter from Robert A. Desrto, Professor at Law, Catholic University of America
This letter helps explain why President Obama's executive order is expected to be litigated and ruled illegal.

Kathy Dahlkemper says that pro-life organizations are lying for political purposes. Did she not establish that all of the nation's major pro-life organizations are LIARS when she argued correctly that money appropriated by the PPACA for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans will NOT pay for abortions?
National Right to Life: Why Bart Stupack is Wrong
Kathleen Parker: Federally funded abortions are in our future
Bioethics Defense Fund: Executive order is a sham

Get one of these bumper stickers from our downtown Erie office, 1611 Peach St., Suite 321 between 9 and 5, Monday through Friday. Or send your request with $1.00 to cover shipping and handling to People for Life, P.O. Box 1126, Erie, PA 16512. Help sound the alert to stop President Obama from using "health care reform" to further impose his pro-abortion agenda on America.

July 22, 2010 Between 90 and 100 people gathered outside U.S. Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper's Erie office to protest the abortion-funding, health-care-rationing Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Their message: "Stop pretending the PPACA is 'pro-life' and get this anti-life law fixed or repealed." CLICK for more pictures.

Demonstration on the eve of the health care vote in the House of Representatives
March 20, 2010 CLICK for more pictures

Local news media swarm as special interest groups, unions rally for the anti-life health care legislation
March 16, 2010 CLICK for more pictures

Opposing the Obama-backed, pro-abortion health care bill H.R. 3590
March 11, 2010 CLICK for more pictures

All-day gathering at U.S. Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper's
office, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, November 5, 2009

Demonstration at Peach St. & Interchange Rd., Erie,
near the Millcreek Mall, November 14, 2009

Demonstration outside Sen. Bob Casey's and Sen. Arlen Specter's Erie offices, November 17, 2009

Click for more pictures. Caution: Some pictures contain very disturbing images of abortion.

People for Life opposes all acts of violence. Violence directed against abortion facilities amounts to terrorism and deserves unequivocal condemnation. Such terrorism is an affront to the sanctity of human life and an affront to the rule of law, without which we can never hope to achieve a just--or maintain a free--society.

Q. How early can babies be born and survive?
A. Welcome to our website! Thanks to modern medical technology and expertise, babies delivered prematurely at just 24 weeks after conception (fertilization) have survival rates of 80% to 90%, and half the babies born at just 22 weeks survive. Babies born at 22 weeks with very high birth weights survive at rates as high as 81%. Some babies born during the 20th week also survive. At least one baby is known to have survived after being born just 19 weeks, 6 days from conception.
Of course "preemies" cannot survive all by themselves. Just like younger unborn children in their mother's wombs, they are completely dependent on others for their well-being and protection. This helplessness, however, does not diminish their humanity. On the contrary, it entitles these little ones to even more love and concern, as well as the expenditure of considerable time and resources to ensure their survival and many happy birthdays to come.
Abortion is legal in the United States throughout all nine months of pregnancy, before and after the age when babies can survivie a premature delivery. Only four other nations have such extreme abortion policies: Canada, China, North Korea, and Vietnam.

"Why are physicians not providing readily available information that could affect their patients' judgment regarding abortion?"

On Thursday, May 1, 2008, a peaceful Cemetery of the Innocents display at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point (UWSP) was vandalized in broad daylight and in defiance of campus security officers by a Student Senator, Roderick King. SEE THE VIDEO.
Those who deny others the right to life itself are not infrequently zealous to deny others the right to the freedom of speech.

"The Court finds that the testimony at trial and before Congress establishes that D&X [partial-birth abortion] is a gruesome, brutal, barbaric, and uncivilized medical procedure . . . [and finds] credible evidence that D&X abortions subject fetuses to severe pain." -- U.S. District Judge Richard Casey, New York

A must see video clip . . . the General Electric
4D Ultrasound Commercial


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