The Northampton County Bar Association is a professional organization of almost 500 lawyers and judges actively engaged in various programs of public service, professional development, and personal interaction.
Since 1874, the Bar Association has been committed to maintaining the honor and dignity of the profession of the law, cultivating social relations among its members, and promoting the administration of justice. We accomplish these goals through our members who volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of the community and our profession. The Bar Association has a long history of service to the community.
Each year the Association conducts a variety of programs and projects that address matters of concern to both our community and our profession. Our members provide the public with access to legal services and information about legal matters through our Attorney Referral and Information Service, Peoples Law School, Mock Trial Competition, Court House Tours, Law Day, North Penn Legal Services, Stepping Out Program and our Speaker's Bureau. You can learn more about these programs and services within this website and through our links to other law related sites.
For our members, we provide numerous continuing legal education opportunities, social events and venues that promote the cultivation of cordial relations among colleagues, and support for the advancement of the legal profession.
Our website has been designed to give all who visit us timely information about our Association. I hope you find the material contained here informative and helpful. Visit us often and contact us with your comments and suggestions for improving our Website. You can call the Association at 610-258-6333, or e-mail us at
For more than 30 years, people across Lancaster County and throughout central Pennsylvania have been turning to the attorneys at Herr & Low, PC, for solutions to their complex legal problems.
234 North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17602