St. Dunstan's thanks our Sunday School teachers - Madeline, Leslie, Liz, Janet, and Jane.
Because of your commitment to the Sunday School program Saint Dunstan's has been able to provide a Christian education to our youngsters.
Our services are inspired by our magnificent free-standing, mechanical action Petty-Madden organ which was built in 1987.
Majestically installed in the balcony overlooking the sanctuary our organ is as beautiful to look at as it is to hear.
Saint Dunstan Considered the most famous of all the Anglo-Saxon saints, Saint Dunstan was born circa A.D. 910. In 943 he was made Abbot of Glastonbury by King Athelstan. He immediately set about rebuilding the monastery and reviving of other monasteries. The Abbey of Glastonbury became a great school of learning. Dunstan became Archbishop of Canterbury and a legate of the Holy See (by Pope John XII). He was zealous in reforming the church and served with piety and honor till his death, May 19, 988. History of St. Dunstan's
Located in the beautiful Philadelphia suburb of Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, St. Dunstan's Episcopal church is a congregation for families and for singles, for young and for old, for the traditional and the modern. We welcome all.
We have a lovely worship sanctuary, wooded grounds, a friendly congregation offering child care, church-school, and many opportunities to serve our community.
Click the icon below to view our Ministry in the Arts gallery.
Healing Service, Boy Scouts, Flea Market, Sunday School / Nursery, Altar Guild, Spanish Workshop, Book Club & Discussion, Crop Walk, Holiday Auction, Holiday Open House, Parish Picnic, Oktoberfest, Sharing our space with First Church of Christ, Scientist and the Yeseung Presbyterian Church