Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
200 East Beidler Road
Proclaiming the peace of the risen and living Jesus!
9:15 AM-Sunday Worship Service
10:30 AM - Sunday School
10:45 AM - Adult Bible Class
Communion is normally celebrated on the first, third, and fifth Sundays, and at festival services.
Please look at the calendar for events and special worship services.
In all the vast world wide web you have found Peace - Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church, serving the world from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Ministering from a newly expanded building, Peace Lutheran exists to share the good news of the peace that’s only found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The angels proclaimed this peace to the shepherds outside Bethlehem. Through Jesus, the Living God offers peace - the peace of sins forgiven and eternal fellowship with God. Let us share this peace with you. Explore our web site and its links to discover this peace. Drop by and see us in person or contact us by phone or through e-mail. Peace Lutheran exists to offer you peace through Jesus.
Roger W. Huffman
Pastor of Peace Ev. Lutheran Church