A voice for justice in the world and in the city…for good!
Trinity Lutheran Church, a historic congregation, serving Christ in the neighborhood, the community and the world.
Founded in 1751, Trinity is the city of Reading's first house of worship which to this day celebrates a traditional Lutheran liturgy and weekly communion, accented by excellent music, within a historically significant setting. The church, originally built in 1791, was renovated in 2001.
The majestic steeple, towering some 203 feet in the air, serves as a familiar landmark to the people of the city. It also serves as a beacon of inspiration for those to join our mission in being a voice in the city... a voice for good. Perhaps that will include you!
Early Worship (an intimate setting in the Founders’ Chapel) is at 8:30 a.m. Sunday mornings. Choral Eucharist Service is at 10:55 a.m. in the Nave. Deaf Worship is at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel.
The Choral Eucharist is broadcast live to the Reading Hospital and Medical Center, and is shown locally on Cable Channel 21 at 7:00 p.m. Sundays and 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays.
For an update on current news and upcoming events at Trinity, we invite you to visit our Groups & Events. Additionally, we invite you not only to worship with us this Sunday but also to active membership in this historic congregation.
In person, through television, or on-line, we welcome YOU to become part of Trinity’s mission.
From the Pulpit
" There were/are a great many, I suspect, who would have preferred a Messiah that got off the cross and kicked some Roman butt. ." read more >
Noonday Recital Series Fall Schedule >
Angel Tree Mission & Service Project through December 8
Thanksgiving Day Worship Thursday, November 25, 10:00 am in the Nave Seminarian Tom Scornavacchi will preach
Breakfast before worship at 9:00 am in the Hintz Room
Advent Event for All Ages Take a Breath:
November 28, 9:30 am in the Auditorium
Blood Pressure Screenings Sunday, November 28, 9:30—10:50 am
Fair Trade Fair Sundays, November 28—December 19
9:30—10:30 am and 12:15—1:00 pm in the Conference Rm.
SUNDAY WORSHIP Spoken Eucharist, 8:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist, 11:00 a.m. Deaf Eucharist, 11:00 a.m.
CONTACT US Office: 610-374-4861 E-Mail Pastor Opalinski E-Mail Web Administrator
527 Washington Street • Reading, Pennsylvania 19601 • (610) 374-4861 • (610) 371-0712 fax