Agate- blue Lace- botswana- crazy lace- dendritic- enhydro- fire- moss- tree, Aegerine, Ajoite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andalusite,
specimens, jewelry , oils and mineral rough we carry!!!
Agate- blue Lace- botswana- crazy lace- dendritic- enhydro- fire- moss- tree, Aegerine, Ajoite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andalusite, Angelite, Anhydrite, Anthophyllite, Antigorite, Antique verde, Anyolite, Apatite-blue-green, Apophyllite-clear-green, Aquamarine, Aragonite-banded-blue-starburst-white, Arfvedsonite, Astrophyllite, Angel Phantom Quartz, Aura quartz- angel aura- aqua aura- champagne aura- cobalt aura- flame aura- imperial gold aura- indigo aura- opal aura- rainbow aura-sunshine aura-tangerine aura- tanzan aura- titanium aura, Aventurine- Blue- Green- Red- Yellow, Azeztulite, Azurite, Barite, Basanite, Beryl- aquamarine- goshenite- heliodor- morganite, Biotite, Bixbite, Bloodstone, Boji Stones, Bornite, Brazilianite, Bronzite, Budstone, Bytownite, Calcite- aqua- blue- clear- golden ray- green- honey- iceland spar- mangano- pink clear- orange- red- yellow, Cancrinite, Carnelian, Cassiterite, Catlinite, Cavansite, Celestite, Cerrusite, Chalcedony- blue- pink, Chalcopyrite, Charoite, Chiastolite, Chinese writing stone, Chlorite, Cryolite, Chrysanthemum stone, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Cinnabar, Citrine, Copper, Coprolite, Covellite, Cuprite, Danburite, Datolite, Deweylite, Diabase, Dinosaur Bone, Diopside, Dioptase, Dolomite, Dragonstone, Dumorterite, Eastonite, Emerald, Epidote, Eudialyte, Feldspar, Flint, Fluorite, Fluororichterite, Fossils- fern fossils Pa.- horse teeth- orthocerus- sharks teeth, sperm whale teeth, whale ear bones, Franklinite, Frondelite, Fuchsite, Fulgerite, Galena, Garnet- almandine- andradite- grossular- leucite- rhodolite- uvarovite, Gaspeite, Geodes, Gilalite, Gilsonite, Goethite, Goldstone- blue- gold-green, Golden Labradourite, Granite, Graphite, Gypsum, Hackmanite, Halite, Healers Gold, Heliotrope, Hematite, Hemimorphite, Herkimer diamonds, Herderite, Heulandite, Hiddenite, Hollandite "star" quartz, Horneblende, Howlite, Hypersthene, Idocrase, Iolite, Jade, Jasper- dalmation- Irai- kambaba, mookaite- picture- rainforest- shell- zebra, Jet, Kamererite, Kaolinite, Kornerupine, Kyanite- black- blue- green, Kunzite, Labradourite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Larvikite, Lepidocrocite, Lepidolite, Libyan Desert Glass, Limonite, Lingham, Lizardite, Lodestone, Magnesite, Magnetite, Malachite, Meteorite, Microcline, Mochi Marbles, Mohawkite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Natrolite, Nebula Stone, Nepheline, Nephrite, Nuummite, Obsidian- apache tears- black- gold sheen- mahogany- rainbow- silver sheen- snowflake, Onyx- black- white, Opal- bacon- black- bulgarian ajoite blue- common- dendritic- fire- green- hyalite- ice cream- jelly- lemon- merlinite- pink, Peridot, Petalite, Petoskey Stone, Petrified wood, Phenacite, Phlogopit, Picasso marble, Phenacite, Pietersite, Pipestone, Prasiolite, Prehnite, Psilomelane, Purpurite, Pyrite, Pyromorphite, Pyrophyylite, Quartz- angel phantom- black- candle- celestial- chlotie included- double terminated- enhydro- faden- girasol- golden healer- growth interference- hematite included- laser wand- lemurian- lepidocrocite included- lithium included- lodolite- madagascar- molybdenum included- nirvana- paraiba- phantom- pyrite included- record keeper- reverse record keeper- rose- rutilated- scepter- self healed- shaman dream stones- smoky- spirit- sacred seven- super seven- tangerine- tibetan- tourmilated, Rhodocrocite, Rhodonite, Rhyolite,Ruby, Ruby and Fuchsite, Ruby and Kyanite, Ruby and Zoisite, Rutile, Sagenite, Sardonyx, Selenite- white- red, Septarian Nodules, Seraphinite, Serpentine, Shaman Stones, Shattuckite, Shell, Shiva Linghams, Siderite, Smithsonite, Smoky Citrine, Soapstone, Sodalite, Spectrolite, Sphalerite, Sphene, Spodumene, Staurolite, Stibnite, Stichtite, Stilbite, Strombolite, Sugilite, Sulphur, Sunstone, Tantalite, Tanzanite, Tektites, Thunder Eggs, Thulite, Tiger eye- blue- gold- red, Tiger Iron, Topaz- blue- golden- imperial- sheet, Tourmaline- black/ schorl- blue/indicolite- brown/ dravite- green- green and pink/ watermelon- paraiba/ neon blue- pink- red/ rubellite- uvite, Tremolite- antique verde- chrome- hexagonite, Tufa, Tugtupite, Turquoise, Unakite, Vanadonite, Variscite, Verdolite, Vesuvianite, Vivianite, Wavellite, Willemite, Wonderstone, Woodhouseite, Zincite, Zircon